Extract F0 Values

Codes for Extracting F0 Values

Published by Haerim Hwang

experimentMFC discrimination speech perception AX task praat

3 min READ

  • This script is for extracting f0 values from multiple sound files.

  • Codes

    • Set your directories

      form Analyze pitich of sound files 
        comment Directory of sound files
        text sound_directory /Users/Haerim/Desktop/2017Fall/LING632/Praat_script/wav/
        sentence Sound_file_extension .wav
        comment Directory of pitch files
        text pitch_directory /Users/Haerim/Desktop/2017Fall/LING632/Praat_script/pitch/
        comment Full path of the resulting text file:
        text resultfile /Users/Haerim/Desktop/2017Fall/LING632/Praat_script/wav/results.txt

    • Check if the result file exists

      if fileReadable (resultfile$)
        pause The result file 'resultfile$' already exists! Do you want to overwrite it?
        filedelete "'resultfile$'"

    • Write a row with column titles to the result file

    • Remember to edit this if you add or change the analyses!)

      titleline$ = "'object_name$'	tmin	tmax	mean	minimum	maximum	stdev	'newline$'"
      fileappend "'resultfile$'" 'titleline$'

    • Make a list of all the sound files in the directory we’re using, and put the number of filenames into the variable “number_of_files”

      Create Strings as file list...  list 'sound_directory$'*.wav
      number_files = Get number of strings

    • Set up a “for” loop that will iterate once for every file in the list

    • Create the complete pitch contour (i.e., you select the Sound and choose To Pitch…)

      for j from 1 to number_files
           select Strings list
           file_name$ = Get string... 'j' # query the file-list to get the first filename from it, then read that file in
           Read from file... 'sound_directory$''file_name$'
           object_name$ = selected$ ("Sound") # make a variable called "object_name$" that will be equal to the filename minus the ".wav" extension
        select Sound 'object_name$'
        To Pitch: 0.000, 75, 500
        select Pitch 'object_name$'
        Write to short text file... 'pitch_directory$''object_name$'.pitch

    • Split the wave into 50 msec sections

    • Open each sound file in the directory:

      Create Strings as file list...  list 'pitch_directory$'*.pitch
      number_files = Get number of strings

    • Set up a “for” loop that will iterate once for every file in the list

    • Extract the F0 values

      for j from 1 to number_files
        select Strings list
        file_name$ = Get string... 'j'
        Read from file... 'pitch_directory$''file_name$'
        object_name$ = selected$ ("Pitch") #make a variable called "object_name$" that will be equal to the filename minus the ".wav" extension
        select Pitch 'object_name$'
        startTime = Get start time
        endTime = Get end time
        numberOfTimeSteps = (endTime - startTime) / 0.05
        writeInfoLine: "object tmin tmax mean fmin fmax stdev"
        for step to numberOfTimeSteps
            tmin = startTime + (step - 1) * 0.05
            tmax = tmin + 0.05
            # then for each of those sections gets the F0 statistics;
            ## that is, for each 50 msec section of speech it gets the average F0, min, max, and standard deviation
            mean = Get mean: tmin, tmax, "Hertz"
            minimum = Get minimum: tmin, tmax, "Hertz", "Parabolic"
            maximum = Get maximum: tmin, tmax, "Hertz", "Parabolic"
            stdev = Get standard deviation: tmin, tmax, "Hertz"
                  resultline$ = "'object_name$'	'tmin'	'tmax'	'mean'	'minimum'	'maximum'	'stdev'	'newline$'" # save result to text file
                fileappend "'resultfile$'" 'resultline$'

    • And at the end, a little bit of clean up and a message to let you know that it’s all done.

      select all
      print All files have been processed.