Identify English VP-elliipsis and Gapping instances

Codes for identifying VP ellipsis and Gapping candidates from English data Using benepar and spaCy

Published by Haerim Hwang

benepar spacy VP ellipsis gapping natural language processing python

5 min READ

  • This script helps identify VP-ellipsis and Gapping instances in English data in Python using benepar and spaCy.

  • Codes

    • Step 1: Import modules

      from collections import Counter # count the number of matches
      import csv # save output in CSV 
      from operator import itemgetter # sort
      import glob # find and open all the files that match the rules which will be set by the user later
      import nltk # natural language toolkit
      import nltk_tgrep # search matching patterns
      from nltk.tree import ParentedTree # create a subclass of tree that automatically maintains parent pointers for single-parented tree 
      from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize # tokenize text into sentences
      import benepar # constituency parser
      parser = benepar.Parser("benepar_en") # parse English sentences
      import spacy # part-of-speech tagger and dependency parser
      nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') # parse English sentences

    • Step 2: Identify VPE candididates

      ## Sub_step 1: Set the lemma triggers and POS tag triggers
      trigger = "are is was were be can could do does did has have may might shall should to will would not n't".split(" ") # filter 1: set words that potentially triggers VP-ellipsis
      pos_trigger = ["VERB", "AUX", "XCOMP", "ADP", "NEG", "NOUN", "ADJ", "PROPN", "NUM", "DET", "PRON"] # filter 2: set categories that cannot come after the triggers to be VP-ellipsis 
      tagq_trigger = ["PRON"] # set the trigger of a tag question
      q_trigger = ["who", "what", "when", "where", "how", "why"]
      ## Sub_step 2: Extract VP-ellipsis candidates
      vpe_candidates = [] # create a holder
      all_files = sorted(glob.glob("data/*.txt")) # use glob to get all filenames in folder
      for file in all_files: # iterate through files
          text = open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig").read() # open files 
          total_counter = 0 # set the total frequency of VPE candidates as “0”
          text_tokenized = sent_tokenize(text) # text to sentence tokens   
          for sent in text_tokenized: # iterate through sentences
              doc = nlp(sent) # process text with spacy (part-of-speech tagger and dependency parser)
              for n in range(len(doc)): # iterate through tokens parsed
                  token = doc[n-1] # previous token
                  token_next = doc[n] # the current token
                  if token.lemma_ in trigger: # if the previous token's lemma is in the "trigger" list 
                      if len(doc) >= 3: # if a sentence length including a punctuation mark is more than 2 (e.g., you did.)
                          ## VPE in tag questions
                          if doc[-3].lemma_ in trigger and doc[-2].pos_ in tagq_trigger: # if the second last word's lemma is in the list "trigger" and the last word's category is in the list "tagq_trigger"
                              total_counter += 1 # add the number of matches to the "total_counter"
                              VPE_type ="VPE_tag_candidates" # mark it as "VPE_tag_candidates"
                              vpe_trigger_list = [file, VPE_type, total_counter, token, sent] # create the "vpe_trigger_list" 
                              vpe_candidates.append(vpe_trigger_list) # append the above info to the list "vpe_candidates"                
                          ## VPE in declaratives
                          elif token_next.pos_ not in pos_trigger: # if the category of the current token is not in "pos_trigger"
                              total_counter += 1 # add the number of matches to the "total_counter"
                              VPE_type ="VPE_decl_candidates"
                              vpe_trigger_list = [file, VPE_type, total_counter, token, sent] # create the "vpe_trigger_list" 
                              vpe_candidates.append(vpe_trigger_list) # append the above info to the list "vpe_candidates"                
                          ## create/open csv file to save the data
                          import os.path
                          vpe_candidates_exists = os.path.isfile("vpe_candidates.csv") # set the file path
                          with open ("vpe_candidates.csv", 'a') as csvfile: # create the file
                              headers = ["file_name", "total_counter", "counter", "token", "VPE_type", "sent"] # set the headers
                              writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n',fieldnames=headers)
                              if not vpe_candidates_exists: # if the file doesn't exist yet
                                  writer.writeheader()  # write headers
                              writer.writerow({"file_name": file, 'total_counter': total_counter, 'counter': "1", 'token': token, "VPE_type": VPE_type, "sent": sent}) # write a CSV file including the file name, the total number of VP-ellipsis candidates, “1” as the number of VP-ellipsis candidate identified, type of a VP-ellipsis candidate (e.g., VP-ellipsis in a tag question or VP-ellipsis in other patterns), and the sentence identified as a VP-ellipsis candidate

    • Step 3: Identify Gapping candididates

      ## Sub_step 1: Set the pattern which potentially has Gapping in it
      gap = 'NP|NN|NNP|PP $ NN|NNP|NP|PP|ADVP !$ VP|VBD|VBG|VBN|VBP|VBZ|VB'# potential gapping sentences: If NP is a sister of other constituents except for VPs
      ## Sub_step 2: Extract Gapping candidates
      all_files = sorted(glob.glob("data/*.txt")) # use glob to get all filenames in folder
      for file in all_files: # iterate through files
          text = open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig").read() # open each file 
          file_name = file
          total_counter = 0 # set the total frequency of gapping candidates as "0"
          text_tokenized = sent_tokenize(text) # text to sentence tokens 
          for sent in text_tokenized: # iterate through sentences
              sent = sent.replace(",", " ") # remove commas
              sent_tree = parser.parse(sent) # parse sentences
              sent_tree = ParentedTree.fromstring(str(sent_tree)) # convert trees to the appropriate format for natural language processing
              match = nltk_tgrep.tgrep_nodes(sent_tree, gap) # find matches to the pattern named "gap" above
              #con_sub_match = nltk_tgrep.tgrep_nodes(sent_tree, con_sub) # find matches to the pattern named "con_sub"
              #if len(con_sub_match) != 0: # if there is one match or more to the pattern "con_sub"
              if len(match) != 0:  # if there is one match or more to the pattern "gap"
                  total_counter += len(match) # add the number of matches to the "total_counter"
                  counter = len(match) # get the number of matches
                  continue # if not, continue
              print(total_counter, counter, sent) # print the output
              ## create/open csv file to save the freq data
              import os.path
              gapping_candidates_exists = os.path.isfile("gapping_candidates.csv") # set the file path
              with open ("gapping_candidates.csv", 'a') as csvfile: # create a file
                  headers = ["file_name", "total_counter", "counter", "sent"] # set headers
                  writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n',fieldnames=headers) 
                  if not gapping_candidates_exists:
                      writer.writeheader()  # if a file doesn't exist yet, write a header
                  writer.writerow({"file_name": file_name, 'total_counter': total_counter, 'counter': counter, "sent": sent})# write a CSV file including the file name, the total number of Gapping candidates, the number of Gapping candidates in the sentence under analysis, and the sentence identified as a Gapping candidate

  • When you use this script, please cite:
    Hwang, H. (2020). A contrast between VP-ellipsis and Gapping in English: L1 acquisition, L2 acquisition, and L2 processing (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Hawai'i, Honolulu, HI.