Split CSV to Multiple Text Files

Codes for Splitting One CSV File to Multiple Text Files

Published by Haerim Hwang

file transformation csv to text data science python

0 min READ

  • This script splits a large CSV dataset into multiple text files based on the first column. The name of each file comes from the first column and the content of each file will come from all the cells in the second column.

  • Codes

    • Step 1: Import modules

      import os
      import csv 
      from itertools import groupby

    • Step 2: Split a CSV file to text files

      for key, rows in groupby(csv.reader(open("xxx.csv", encoding="utf-8-sig", errors="ignore")), lambda row: row[0]): # group the data based on the first column 
          with open("%s.txt" % key, "w") as output: # or "with open("data/%s.txt" % key, "w") as output:" if you want to put all text files under the "data" folder
              for row in rows: # iterate through rows            
                  output.write("".join(str(row[1])) + "\n") # combine the information in the cells under the second column